What is the link between movement coordination, speech and studying in school?

The brain of a child develops gradually. It is the areas of the brain responsible for controlling movement that grow first. Speech, reading and writing – these are also movements, but more complex ones. Until the brain learns to control the body, hands and feet, it will struggle to oversee “advanced” types of activity.

By developing movement coordination, we train the brain and help it grow. As a result of this, the brain has energy resources necessary for acquiring the skills for speech, reading, writing and other forms of learning skills.

Disorders in movement coordination are found among children diagnosed with autism, speech delay, general speech underdevelopment , mild cognitive impairment and dysarthria. These issues often remain unnoticed by specialists, but they hinder a child’s development. The brains of such children is often overloaded.

Such disorders, as a rule, are found amongst school children that are having studying difficulties or reading and writing disorders (dyslexia, dysgraphia).

What methods are used to help develop movement coordination?

  • Interactive Metronome
  • Balance-Master
  • Neurodynamic gymnastics